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Patek Philippe Replica

The auction for the Only Watch charity in Monaco will take place later this year. This timepiece is very special. Patek Philippe Replica 2011 Midnight GMT Tourbillon was made exclusively for a cause, and its mission is helping children with Duchenne muscular Dystrophy.

Every two years,replica watches the Monegasque Association against Muscular Disabilities (AMM) and Antiquorum Auctioneers in Geneva organize a charity auction called Only Watch. Patek Philippe Replica has supported Duchenne muscular Dystrophy research since the first event, in 2005.

The auction this year will feature 40 exclusive watches from top brands. Patek Philippe Replica's unique Midnight model was included in the exceptional Only Watch Collection. This stunning watch, with its GMT function and tourbillon mechanism will be a big hit on 22 September 2011 in Monaco.

Only Watch's case is made from platinum. This is one of many exclusive features. The case is 45 mm in diameter and has a bezel that reflects three arches from Patek Philippe Replica's New York Salon. The black alligator leather strap is finished with a platinum buckle.

A beautifully designed dial is an absolute masterpiece, revealing the most important features of the watch. The aperture at 6 o'clock represents the small seconds subdial. This allows a clear view of an incredible tourbillon. Two sub-dials are also featured on the dial, which show local time and GMT.breitling replica watches A smaller sub-dial is located at 9 o'clock and shows the time in a different time zone. It also includes a beautiful day/night indication. The 11 o’clock aperture shows a disk with the names of cities around the world that indicate the second timezone, including Monaco in honor of the upcoming event.

Patek Philippe Replica Only Watch 2011, Midnight GMT Tourbillon is covered on both sides with sapphire crystal, allowing a clear view of the mechanism. The automatic movement has a tourbillon complications that includes a small seconds hand. This mechanism has a remarkable power reserve of 110 hours.